Monday, 29 December 2008

Saturday, 27 December 2008

I never get tired of this theme

More porn before the end of the year, enjoy

Thursday, 25 December 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Well my Christmas celebration pretty much sucks, but is not like I’m had big expectations about it, basically everyone in my family is traveling for a marriage in another city the days following so Everyone spend the 24 packing, of course I’m the only one who’s staying because I have to take care of my two dogs (and turtle) that not only need feed but also psychological support when all the new year’s fireworks starts, so yeah that means that I’m going to spend the new year eve alone? With… dogs? As if was some kind of old and childless old man! Well yes but seeing the bright side I could use it as training for my future as an old lonely and childless old man. No matter how depressing that sounds somehow I’m not depressed, I’m actually in a normal mood which in my case often includes a lot of sarcasm, I’m not really one of those persons who get depressed easily. I guess Karma force me to be a happy and friendly person most of the time for being such a bitter teenager in the past.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Friday, 5 December 2008

Arlo's sketches

It's such a pain to draw Arlo, he has the tendency of came out different in every frame, So here are some quick sketches I made to practice

yay for more nudity

I made this as a way to compensate you guys for the lack of updates on my site this week, promise plenty updates for the next one

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

I'm back

Finally I'm back, I missed my boring life and my internet connection, I'm planning a filler comic with some pics of my trip, I must say that I saw a ridiculous large amount of pelicans, apparently they were on strike or something, here some pics.
I'm surprised to see the stats of Do not tell, apparently the visits have increase substantially during my absence anyway I better start working on the next pages I'm not sure if would be able to update tomorrow but I'll try an emergency update, at least for DNT and BV, or maybe just for DNT or may no update at all would be a more realistic possibility

Friday, 28 November 2008

Will be back

I'll be traveling all this weekend and will return to my lair on Tuesday and yes that mean I wouldn’t be able to update any comic until then, I hope to catch up on Thursday, so see you then
And no this have nothing to do with my dentist’s nurse trying to hit on me, I’m not running away (seriously why this keep happening to me, and why guys never seems to hit on me like girls do, I guess I somehow have a straight flirty attitude and I didn’t notice or I’m to naïve to notice when another guy is flirting with me) it’s for a mere necessity to deal with some local bureaucracy in person, so it’s not really a vacation.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Today I feel like drawing some nudity so I made this pic of the latest character appearing in Do Not tell the PE teacher, espect see him staring some spicy moments in the following pages

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

remaking dnt first pages

Well today I feel like come up with a new version for the two first pages of Do not tell, wich are particulary bad, here is a preview of page 2, the backgrounds are missing. As for Baroque viceroyalty I don't think I have the time to draw like 100 pages again to make the comic look somehow descent, but who knows perhaps some day.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Recently I have been reading about totalitarian urbanistic visions, it's always interesting for me have a look of those crazy vissions for the future in the past, and for some reason this lead me to draw guys in uniforms, mmm perhaps I could make a short comic regarding these subjects when I have time.


Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Just some random character design, I probably use them latter in other kind of situations.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Sorry for the lack of updates guys, today I have some time and I made this pics to keep you update with the latest porn I can produce, they are the main characters of my first comic baroque viceroyalty, I notice that this comic has a lack of nudity compared to do not tell, so hope hope to compensate it with this. enjoy:

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Tuesday, 16 September 2008

a super crappy zell drawing

Just esperimenting with new shading techniques, with some random characters

Friday, 12 September 2008

Did I mention I was a very ambitious person regarding webcomics, well long time ago I post a short and very porny story on smackjeeves, it had his 10 minutes of fame before I decided to stop updating, mainly because the art sucks and because I had other things to do as well. However this year the idea of remaking the hole thing surround my mind and after some failure intends I came up with some pages, that end up looking pretty good in my opinion fort I didn't want to post any page until I have at least 12 ready with dialogs an everything (though, this comic will be more graphics than dialogs) but yesterday I realized that if I don't post a single page I'll never have the motivation or the pressure to do the following pages, so I'll try to set the things up, and put the comic online this week.So if you are eager for more nudity and less plot this will be your kind of comic, I'll post the link as soon as I upload the first 2 pages.(I guess I don't need to warn you about the adult content, so stay away underage reader)

Friday, 29 August 2008

Well lately I has lost connection with this blog, but hopefully that will change soon. Yesterday I was cleaning my bookcase because honestly it's a mess right now, and I start by put in order my sketchbook I have several of them, like form the year 2004 or perhaps even older, I can't remember, the thing is that I always found some inspiring stuff when I check out my older sketches, and often I redraw the picture pointing the year of the remade so I can se my progress at drawing. Now that most of my old sketchbook has run out of space, I was thinking on remaking some of the older draws digitally so I don't embarrass myself putting the original draws scanned here, because honestly they look like crap. (Though, this doesn't mean that the digital media it's going to be better).
So I’ll be posting some pictures here, and probably really sketchy and unfinished, and probably with soft porn reminiscences as well, so I’d better set the adult content warning.

Monday, 11 August 2008

Yay I'm back

I'm back after several weeks of bad luck, I'm back to online life, haha, after the computer problems, travels, bad dates, more computer troubles and windows vista, finally I was able to put myself back on track, I want to come up with updates for bv and dnt, for tomorrow, and hopefully my comics will return to some kind of schedule, the good thing is that all this time offline give me the time to organize my thoughts and future comic pages so I wouldn’t be wondering what to put on the next pages since I got the ideas on a list, I hope this improve the quality of the plot, haha, We will see.

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Resurrecting former adictions

While I'm lacking of a proper computer to play the latest gammes, I decide to install, old gammes that for one reason or an other, I never finish, So yesterday I installed Jedi knight II outcast, I think I stop playing it when I got jedi academy, anyway I spend some time playing it from the begining, and then i get bored mainly because I didn't have a lightsaber and also because I spend more time figure out how to solve the all the puzzles, on the first mission, then I look on my cd's archive where I found my the saved files from years ago, And I started playing the game where I left it time before, It was a relief having a light saber and I enjoy the jedi vs. sith fights, but then I started to bore because again maily because I found my self solving a lot of puzzles again. So I decided to look for some reviews from 2002, I found got critisism, but a lot of people admit that the game have to much puzzles, and honestly I think that for each hour of play I spend two solving puzzles, which is terribly frustrating, perhaps I should read the reviews before buying the gamme several years ago, anyway is to late for that, and I'm really close to the ending so I'll propably continue playing.

Unreliable technology

Ok you may have all ready read this but I'm postin it again because I'm so infuriated right now

MY HARD DRIVE COLLAPSED! just after I finished like 8 pages for my curren comics, and like two extra for some other projects that are not jet online, THAT SUCKS! I know but life is unfair.

I don’t know if the damage is permanent, or if I’m going to recover my data, the technician diagnostic isn’t optimistic, so I may lose everything on my pc, not only my comic pages but also the research for my thesis, not to mention my SimCity regions. (I miss you old but faithfull pentium)

Anyway for now I'm not planing to work in computer until friday, because I'm full of exams, travel plans, and a huge anger.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Random thought

I don’t quite remember who take me this picture but each time I see it I find it so inspiring, I remember vividly the sensation of been in the middle of nowhere and just feel like running, I wanted to reach the beach but then I realized that it wasn’t as close as I imagined, and when I turn back I realized that everyone was expecting me in the car ready to go, of course I spend the next half hour trying to take off all the sand from my shoes, but anyway it was worth it, perhaps I could return someday to that remote spot at the side of the road.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Worldwdie Readership

Some days ago, I sing up in to one of this site who track your visits, that a friend had recommended me, I thought it was a good idea since I never trusted on the drunk duck’s stats counter, once I did I regret not had done it before, not only for the detailed stats, but also for this feature that allow me to see in which parts of the world my comics are read. I was truly amazed with the results; Do not tell is officially read in at least one place in each continent, visits from countries that sound so remote to me like Alaska, Malaysia, Iceland or South Africa, are between all the other nationalities that are showed. (Though people from these countries, may think that I am the one living in a remote place of the world). All this really make my day and made me want to keep drawing comics. Plus I’m enjoying all the flags that are showed on the statistics (I always have this weird hobby of memorizing countries flags) Unfortunately the free account of statcounter only give me the possibility to track 500 visits at the same time so the oldest spots on the map are deleted when new visits are recorded. So wherever you come from thanks for reading the comic.

Thursday, 5 June 2008


Basically I’m a 24 years old guy who makes web comics in his free time; I like history, drawing, urbanism and videogames (especially 2d fighting games). I ‘m amazed with the web comics world, it is such an amazing medium to express your ideas worldwide. When I discovered I decided to create my own web comics, even if they look like crap like the first pages of baroque viceroyalty’s pages. However this comic in particular has become some sort of virtual sketchbook where I can see my evolution through time.