Sunday, 13 September 2009

yay! nudity

Well well this drawing was a request from a reader of Customized Love who want me to include an character that looks like him in the comic, which is something that I plan to do because he is just the kind o guy I really enjoy drawing Lol, I’ll probably update this comic very soon, since I already had some pages sketched and since the character there barely talk it’s a lot easier for me to finish a page, drawing porn is always fun.

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Hey! I’m still alive!

I haven’t update anything in such a long time, for the ones wondering if this is the need of my projects, I must say that it isn’t, but somehow making web comics have fall at the bottom of my priorities right now, I have been working in a full time job, and also taking classes at nights and some weekends (I’m addicted to taking classes of unprofitable subjects), that mean that I barely have free time nowadays, and as much as I love making web comics I can’t find a way to make them a profitable activity in my life.

I’ll try to keep updating in all my projects, thought is really time demanding, even if move to black and white, which is something I’ll probably do.

So I’m not making any promise of schedule or an update soon, I’ll update whenever I have the time to do so, I’m a couple of months I’ll be free from my classes at night so that probably mean more time to work on that, I’m also saving some money in order to buy a new and better pen tablet which probably makes things a lot easier and faster for me.

Well that’s all for now, I just feel like giving you guys an explanation or stop updating suddenly.

I’ll try to post new stuff here as well; I have a couple of drawings to finish and post here.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Sunday, 29 March 2009

I'm back... again

Sorry for the absence of updates in most of my projects, I'm planning to retake all of them... somehow... I really have a lot of things to do that I keep delaying and delaying, but I can't help it, drawing comics (and porn) it's incredibly amusing for me, and this is steeling precious time of my life.

I just realize that I have a lot of sketches that need to be finished and colored, this is one of them, I almost forgot that I have them, so I'm be posting them in the following weeks.

Friday, 20 February 2009

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Saturday, 14 February 2009


It has been a wile since I brought you porn, that’s why I’m posting this pic of Sid.. Touching himself… again… well is all I can do for now, I already sketched some others for this month, I just need to find time to color them.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Sunday, 11 January 2009

color practice

Well in the meantime I'll be finishing some sketches that I already had, this 3 are some color and skintone practice in corel painter, I'm trying to learn to work with painter because it just seems so fancy, and has a lot of cool tools, thought, I'm not quite sure how usefull they are.

My computer explode!!!

Argg My computer explode!!! I interpret this as a sign of destiny telling me that I should stop spending so much time in front of a computer, but I guess destiny wasn’t counting with laptops and wireless internet. Acording to the techniccian no files are lost, and it’s just a minor problem, I don’t know I guess I should believe him, unfortunately, I’m won’t be able to fix the problem until Tuesday, and even if I can comunicate and work with the laptop, the photoshop files with the drawings for the next pages are in my PC and I can’t acces to them until I fix the problem with the computer, and since I dont want to redraw it all I’ll have to wait until Monday, and probably be able to finish the pages for wendsday that If I don’t get a job after,urgg job.

Sunday, 4 January 2009

I survived!

I survived!
I survived the New Year hangover, Yay! Well after I disposed myself to pass a New Year alone and occasional Jehovah witnesses who for some estrange reason decide to preach the 31 of December at night, anyway it was like 11:20 pm when a good friend of mine show up in my door, apparently all her New years plans failed horribly, I don’t even remember what happened with her “New Year backup plans” because she had many, not to mention that she criticize me a lot for spending the New Year at home, when the half of the city full the beaches eager to put alcohol in their veins; So she came to spend the New year with me and make me company so we can whine together how lame our New Year was, but we end up having a good time, drinking a lot of wine and talk a lot about life and all that things that people say only when they are drunk. The next day we spent most of the day sleeping and several attempts to watch TV.

After that she went back to her home and I stay at mine and keep sleeping, the next day I woke up freaked out because I started to feel something weird with my heart beating, apparently a side effect of some meds I was taking, seriously I thought I was going to die, I pray, pray a lot, the worst of all is that I was alone, and I was starting to think that I was going to die alone because no one was there to help me or even find my body soon, I was considering deleting all the gay things on my computer, but then I decide to go to the doctor instead.

The doctor told me that it was nothing serious, and to stop taking meds without prescription! (I know but I have the bad tendency of taking meds as soon as I fell something weird with me) but at that point I have researched about some many things related to the possible cause of my heart beating and the pills I took, that for an instant I thought I knew more about medicine than him, so I keep arguing and arguing with him until he prescribe me an injection of I don’t know what because I couldn’t understand his handwriting, I thing he did it to avoid my incisive questions, Latter I found out he was right cause the next day I was feeling OK, an aunt and a cousin came to visit me and I ask them if they feel something weird with my hearth beating, but they said it was nothing weird with it.

To summarize, the New Year want so bad, at least it was a better than that Christmas that I spend in the airport when an airline lost my sister's luggage.

After all this events I feel incredibly uninspired and mostly lazy to make comic pages, which is a estrange sensation, but I’ll try to overcome it and star updating in regular schedules.

sea lions after the massive New year's hangover at the shores