Sunday, 10 January 2010


2009 have been such an improductive year for me, I think I spend half of the year sick and alone, plus I hadn't time to work on my drawings as much as I wanted, still I'm optimistic regarding 2010, so my resolutions for this new year are.

Update my comics more often.
Try to earn some Money from my drawings.
Start and keep a webcomic in Spanish.
Try to find a boyfriend, at least trying since (I have became incredibly lazy to flirt lately)
Get a promotion in my job.
Duplicate the amount of nudity in this blog.
Publish something in paper, whatever it may be.
Travel somewhere.
Buy a new pen tablet, preferably a Cintiq.

well that's all for now, I left you with a new pic, no nudity for the moment, thought I have some sketches that need some color, but that are almost finished.


Celt04 said...

Sorry to hear it's not been a good year for you, good luck with the resolutions :)

SRQ said...

Well... even if you are too lazy to flirt, you are a good looking guy so it won't be hard to find a boyfriend I think XD

That is a lot of resolutions! Good luck with them.

Anonymous said...

happy to hear about your projects this 2010 =)

Anonymous said...

Get back on task man!
I'm craving some of your sexy comics!